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PVC toy manufacturers teach you how to solve the problem of low surface gloss of plastic toys

PVC toy manufacturers teach you how to solve the problem of low surface gloss of plastic toys
The production of PVC toy manufacturers needs to consume petroleum resources, which are non-renewable resources. It is everyone's responsibility to produce good plastic products with limited resources. And sometimes the plastic surface of injection moulding will appear dull, or gloss, color is not uniform phenomenon, which is why? For this phenomenon, according to years of experience, PVC toy manufacturers summarized its causes and solutions.
1. The injection speed of the injection moulder is too fast, and the material retention time is too long, which will cause the surface gloss of the injection moulded products to decline.
Solution: Reduce injection speed of injection moulding machine, reduce material retention time.
2. The thermal stability of the material is poor. Generally speaking, it is easy to decompose at 100 C, and the decomposition will accelerate at 180 C.
Solution: Use materials with good thermal stability and gloss or add a reasonable amount of heat stabilizer in the materials.
3. Mold temperature is too low and cooling speed is too fast in the process of processing. When melt is still in the process of filling, a hard shell has been formed on the cavity wall. The hard shell is easily affected by various forces, which makes it white and muddy, and reduces the gloss of the product surface.
Solution: Before starting to use the die, the die should be heated in advance, the working temperature of the die should be increased, the cooling rate should be reduced, or local heating should be adopted at the gate of the die.
4. Hygroscopicity of raw materials or volatile substances are common causes of poor surface gloss of plastic products.
Solution: Dry the material sufficiently before using, add a dryer when needed.
5. Excessive use of demoulding agents can also cause such defects on the surface of plastic products.
Solution: Should try not to use or use a small amount of release agent, smear uniformly.
6. The quality of raw materials has a great influence on the surface gloss of plastic products. Only the mixture of impurities can make the surface gloss of products decrease.
Solution: Use good raw materials or remove impurities before use.
7. The runner and gate size of injection moulding machine are too small, and the poor exhaust will also cause the surface gloss of the products.
Solution: The size of runner and gate should be enlarged and the vent groove should be added.
Tel: 86-769-81763080
Mobile: (00)86-18928290128 Michelle Zheng(sales manager)
     (00)86-18928290138 Mr.Mo (General manager)
Fax: 86-769-81763081
E-mail: michelle@haobangtoy.com
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