We are a professional and well-organized plastic toy manufacturer!

More than 10 years of experience in toy processing

Main: various kinds of 3D plastic toys &3D plastic electronic toys
Service Hotline
86-769-81763080(Michelle Zheng sales manager)
(00)86-189 2829 0128

Electronic plastic toy factory teaches you how to distinguish toys:

Electronic plastic toy factory teaches you how to distinguish toys:
1. Electronic plastic toy factory teaches you how to pack:
See if the logo is complete
Generally speaking, toys in China require the logo of "ccc" for packaging, including factory name, factory address, telephone, material composition, product name and model, etc.
2. Electronic plastic toy factory teaches you to see the appearance of products
Raw materials generally have better brightness, brighter colors and no clutter.
Thickness of materials, good products are generally thicker (the price is also higher) than the general material is more resistant to fall, general plastic breakage is prone to produce sharp angle and fine particulate parts; products above the possibility of stabbing or sharp edges and edges;
3. Electronic Plastic Toy Factory Teaches You to Test Products
Function: Is it normal?
Lighting: Will it be too dazzling?
Voice: Moderate or not
Firm connection of parts and components
4, Wen - Wen
Whether the product has a very pungent taste or not, plastic usually has a slight taste, but if it is not too strong, it is not good.
5. Contrast with each other to see which toys are more cost-effective. Now there are dozens of manufacturers making one toy on the market.
Tel: 86-769-81763080
Mobile: (00)86-18928290128 Michelle Zheng(sales manager)
     (00)86-18928290138 Mr.Mo (General manager)
Fax: 86-769-81763081
E-mail: michelle@haobangtoy.com
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