We are a professional and well-organized plastic toy manufacturer!

More than 10 years of experience in toy processing

Main: various kinds of 3D plastic toys &3D plastic electronic toys
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86-769-81763080(Michelle Zheng sales manager)
(00)86-189 2829 0128

The manufacturer of PVC toys tells you the advantages of using PVC materials in toys:

The manufacturer of PVC toys tells you the advantages of using PVC materials in toys:

The use of PVC in Dongguan plastic toys has many common advantages, so it is widely used in use and life. Below, PVC toy manufacturers plastic toys using PVC what advantages and characteristics.

PVC plastics have mechanical properties, good electrical properties, strong acid and alkali resistance, good chemical stability, but low softening point, suitable for manufacturing wire and cable, toys, bags and so on.

1. Non-conductive: PVC toy plastic material can not conduct electricity, nor be corroded by electrolysis and current, so it does not need secondary processing.

Second, low cost: cutting and connecting are very simple, using PVC glue connection theory to prove reliable and safe, cumbersome operation, low cost.

3. It has good flexibility and shrinkage, and can process all kinds of PVC products.

4. Low resistance and high flow rate: inner wall lubrication, low loss of fluid activity, dirt is not easy to adhere to smooth pipe wall, easy to care for, and low maintenance costs.

Fifth, durability: good weather resistance, chemical stability, corrosion resistance, can not be corrupted by bacteria and fungi.

6. PVC toy compound is green and environmentally friendly. Unless heated to a certain temperature, harmful gases will be released. Under other conditions, it is not polluted and can be safely used.
Tel: 86-769-81763080
Mobile: (00)86-18928290128 Michelle Zheng(sales manager)
     (00)86-18928290138 Mr.Mo (General manager)
Fax: 86-769-81763081
E-mail: michelle@haobangtoy.com
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